Saturday, February 20, 2010

GPS a.k.a. Nancy, Malacca & Kota Tinggi Trip

Apparently, my father had bought me a GPS. Due to the GPS's lovely voice, one of my best friends has named it as "Nancy".

With Nancy around me, I can travel anywhere as I like. But, this "Nancy" have a bad attitude, she never give me a proper yet accurate distance calculation. Because of that, I have to make a BIG U-turn.

Yesterday, I switched my Nancy on and set the destination (Malacca) before start departing. As I'm not very familiar with Malacca, I have to depend the whole journey on Nancy. Guess what, this cute Nancy had guided me all the way to Yasin instead of Malacca. Perhaps, this was my fault because I didn't gave Nancy an exact destination, I just randomly set the destination. =3

However, I still have to penalize Nancy on the distance calculation accuracy. For instance, "50m more to turn right", actually is only "30m more to make a turn". I guess it can't catch up my car speed.

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